It is essential to remember that there is a limit on the number of triggers and actions that can execute per minute when utilizing our amazing automation and integrations. This restriction is known as a “rate limit.”

This article will explain why rate limits exist, what happens if you reach one of these limits, and how to avoid reaching these limits. Let’s begin immediately!

About rate limits

There are rate limits in place to prevent a server overload that could result in issues with the SalesTitan platform (such as outages, delays, etc.). In addition, as our rate limits are quite high and difficult to achieve, reaching the rate limit may indicate that automation or integration cycles were inadvertently created.

There are two categories of rate limits that operate somewhat differently:

  • Automation rate limits (SalesTitan API limits)
  • Integration rate limits (limits for third-party APIs).

Check out the following two sections to learn about each form of speed limit!

Automation rate limits

For our automation, our own SalesTitan API imposes a limit on the number of triggers or actions that each recipe can execute per minute.

This maximum may be attained if:

  • An automation cycle is in effect, causing automation formulas to continue firing indefinitely.
  • You are using the API or webhooks to initiate your automation
  • You are utilizing Batch Actions to activate multiple automation recipes simultaneously

Integration rate limits

Integrations enable the connection of SalesTitan to external platforms and the creation of automated actions between SalesTitan and the connected application. Therefore, integration rate limits are established in accordance with the API of the third-party application to prevent server congestion (these rate limitations are not set by SalesTitan).

In our Outlook integration, for example, the rate limit is set by Outlook, preventing users from creating too many actions from SalesTitan within Outlook per minute (such as sending too many emails simultaneously, for example).

Like automation rate limits, the integration rate limit can be attained if:

  • You are using the API or webhooks to initiate your integrations
  • You are utilizing Batch Actions to trigger multiple integration recipes simultaneously

What happens when a rate limit is reached

If you reach the rate limit for automation or integration, you will receive a chime notification indicating that your automation or integration failed to execute. If your automation or integration continues to activate, it might operate with a delay eventually.

In addition, this delay will be displayed in your automation’s activity journal. Here, you’ll be able to determine whether the rate limit was achieved due to Atmosai’s API limit (via automations) or an external application’s API limit (via integrations).

How to avoid reaching a rate limit

Have you attained the maximum rate? Looking for methods to prevent this from occurring again? In this case, continue reading to discover some of our suggestions for avoiding automation or integration rate limits!

For automation rate limits:

  • We recommend determining why the automation was triggered so frequently in one minute (whether via API, webhook, automation loop, or bulk actions) and modifying your workflow so that this limit is never reached again.
  • Attempt to streamline your productivity! If you can accomplish comparable outcomes while eliminating unnecessary automations, it may be possible to improve this situation.

For maximum rates of integration:

  • As with automations, we recommend determining why the integration was triggered so frequently in one minute and modifying your workflow so that this limit is not reached in the future.
  • You can also attempt to increase your quota through the third-party app you are integrating with.
  • You can finally divide your integration routines across accounts. For instance, if you are sending multiple emails through Outlook Integration, you can attempt to divide the burden among several connected Outlook accounts, thereby reducing the load on each individual Outlook account.

Complexity limits

Similar to the above-mentioned rate limits, SalesTitan also imposes a limit on the number of general activities or actions (such as moving objects, using bulk actions, mirroring information from other boards, etc.) that your account can perform in a given time period. These restrictions are referred to as “complexity limits” and are in place to reduce the burden on our infrastructure and prevent potential performance issues within the platform.

A calculation that determines the strain that a particular action will place on our system defines the complexity limits. This limit is reset every 60 seconds and is defined per account (not per user) despite the type of plan.

Show me the actions that place a “heavier” burden on our servers.

What happens when you hit the limit?

If you reach the complexity limit, you will immediately receive a notification chime indicating that the limit has been attained. In addition, depending on the circumstance, the action that caused the complexity limit to be attained may be delayed or completely canceled.

If this occurs, we recommend attempting “smaller” actions (such as manually relocating items or selecting fewer items when using bulk actions). Additionally, we recommend determining whether your automations contain any cycles that cause them to operate indefinitely, causing you to perform too many actions on your account simultaneously.

For further questions, please visit our Knowledge Center.  To view the Knowledge Center, click the Home Page icon the top right of your page, then select “Support” and make you way to “Help Center” in the bottom left.  If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact our team by selecting the blue “Contact Us” button.