Dashboard Permissions

To ensure the safety and security of your data, we offer a variety of permissions, including account permissions, board types, board permissions, column permissions, and dashboard permissions. Dashboard permissions or restrictions are intended to offer the dashboard proprietor control over which dashboard-level data can be modified.

Dashboard Types

Unlike boards, dashboards only come in two varieties: Main and Private. There are no Shareable Dashboards because all dashboards can be shared using the procedures outlined in the following section.

  • Main Dashboards

Main Dashboards can be viewed and interacted with by all account team members.

  • Private Dashboards

Private Dashboards are restricted to subscribers only. The subsequent section of this article explains how to subscribe team members.

 Note: Administrators of an Enterprise plan will be able to observe the name, subscribers, and creation date of a Private dashboard via the content directory.


When you create a new dashboard, it is automatically created as a Main Dashboard, but you can easily make it private by selecting “Change type to Private” from the three-dot menu in the upper right corner of your dashboard.

Change it back to Main at any time by retracing your steps and selecting “Change type to Main.”

Dashboard owners, guests, and subscribers

  • Dashboard Subscribers

Subscribers to a dashboard are those who are able to observe and interact with it. On a Main Dashboard, anyone with access to the account can view the data and subscribe. On Private Dashboards, subscribers must be invited by a dashboard proprietor following the steps outlined below.

Click “Share” in the upper right corner of your dashboard, followed by “Subscribers & Guests”

A pop-up window containing a list of subscribers will appear!

Click the search bar and begin typing the team member’s name or email address to subscribe them to your dashboard!

  • Remove subscribers

You can delete a subscriber from your dashboard by selecting the ‘x’ next to their name:

  • Dashboard Owners

The creator of the board is automatically a dashboard proprietor by default. A blue crown will appear next to the owner’s name on the list of dashboard subscribers. To add additional owners, select the gray crown icon next to the subscriber’s name to transform it blue, thereby making them an owner!

  • Dashboard Guests 

Click “Share” and then select “Invite to dashboard” to invite visitors to view your dashboard.

You can copy the generated link and send it to whomever you choose, or you can enter the guest’s email address in the field below and select “Send” to send them an email invitation to the dashboard!

Note:  Non-members of your account who are invited to your dashboard will be invited as free, read-only observers.

This article provides information on what it means to be a viewer.

Who can make changes to dashboards?

Only dashboard proprietors have the ability to modify the dashboard and its apps and elements. Among the actions only dashboard owners can perform are the following:

  • Selecting “Edit” mode
  • Resize and reposition widgets
  • Adding additional widgets
  • Deleting widgets
  • Adding or removing board connections
  • Adding or removing team members or visitors as subscribers
  • Changing the type of dashboard
  • Changing the name or removing the dashboard

All dashboard subscribers and team members observing the Main Dashboard can perform the following actions:

  • Viewing the dashboard’s list of visitors, proprietors, and subscribers
  • Alternating between Dark and Light Mode
  • Viewing in Mode TV/Presentation
  • Duplicating the display panel
  • Including the dashboard in your list of preferences
  • Filtering widgets
  • Observing linked forums
  • Displaying elements in fullscreen mode

Exploration of components (this has a different meaning for each widget)

Requesting access

Private Dashboards are inaccessible to account members and visitors who are not subscribed to the dashboard or any of its connected forums. If you encounter a dashboard to which you do not have access, you will see the following message:

You can request access to the dashboard from the dashboard proprietor if you want to use it. To convey a message to the proprietor, simply select “Ask for Permissions” at the message’s bottom.

The dashboard’s administrator will receive an email with the following format:

To grant access, the proprietor can subscribe to the team member by clicking the “Open dashboard sharing” option.

If the team member or guest is not subscribed to any of the connected boards, the proprietor will see the message below, allowing them to extend access to those boards with a single click!

Note: If the dashboard owner is not also the proprietor of one or more of the connected boards, they must contact the board owners so they can grant access to the requestor.

When access is granted, the requestor will receive an email similar to the one shown below. The “View in AtmosAI” icon provides a fast link directly to the interface.

Note: If you do not have item viewing permission, you will not be able to view certain items from a board on its associated Dashboard. Click here for additional details.

For further questions, please visit our Knowledge Center. To view the Knowledge Center,  click the Home Page icon in the top left of your page, then select Help Center on the right side of the Home Page. Click Knowledge Center to visit our Help Pages. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact our team by selecting the blue “Contact Us” button.